- hurry cook 催促廚師
- hurry the meal 急忙做飯
- hurry work 加快工作
- hurry confusedly 糊涂地催促
- hurry conservatively 謹慎地催促
- hurry feverishly 發(fā)燒似地催促
- hurry gallantly 勇敢地催促
- hurry madly 發(fā)瘋地催促
- hurry mechanically 機械地催促
- hurry merrily 快樂地催促
- hurry nervously 緊張地催促
- hurry tremulously 顫抖地催促
- hurry along 趕快走
- hurry away (使)迅速離開
- hurry back 趕快回來
- hurry down 趕快下來
- hurry in 趕快進來
- hurry off (使)迅速離開
- hurry on the business 從速辦事
- hurry over one 's meal 匆匆把飯吃完
- hurry through a book 匆匆看完一本書
- hurry up (使)加快,(使)抓緊,迅速到達
- hurry about one 's work 急急忙忙干自己的工作
- hurry across the street 匆忙穿過大街
- hurry into a car 急忙上車
- hurry to a place 匆忙到某處
- hurry to the front 急赴前線
- hurry with 急忙做某事
- great hurry 很急
- hot hurry 燃眉之急
- immediate hurry 十萬火急
- tearing hurry 火急火燎
- hurry to catch the bus 匆忙去趕車
- hurry to get away 匆忙脫身hurry to leave匆忙離開
- in a hurry 匆忙